
This is where you can leave your
suggestions, thoughts and impressions.
Or just say “hello”. Thank you for your
time and for listening to my music…Sincerely, Robert Frost

47 thoughts on “Guestbook

  1. Hello Robert,
    Just listened to your music, and loved it…. so…. bought it !!
    Thought I could download it right away…. but never mind I ‘ll wait for it by post.
    So nice to hear from you after all these years.
    Your music is really nice, can’t wait to listen to the new ones…. 😉

    Florence (PW 1974-75)

  2. It was the best classical music that i have ever heard.


  3. Your music is really wonderful. You could of tought me piano instead of tennis ! I love the piano, the most beautiful instrument!
    Congratulations Maestro!

  4. Hi Robert,
    Congratulations for your website! I remember when you played those very moving pieces for Christmas a few years ago, it was a delightful moment… This is good news that we can listen to your music on the web now!

    See you soon,

  5. Hello Robert,
    Ta musique est vraiment très belle. Elle parle un language universel et c’est un vrai plaisir l’écouter.
    Je te félicite en t’adressant mes compliments

  6. Mr. Frost,

    Congratulations! The days of Campana are a fond memory and it is so nice to be in touch and enjoy your beautiful music.
    Jackie Stewart Lechler, Jamaica

  7. Love the Wedding music, Robert! When can I download it on itunes?
    Here’s to world wide success!

  8. I feel so glad and proud to see my dearest former principal Mr Frost developing his musical piano website. Truly enchanted I can say that hearing some of his piano’s notes I drove back in time and found myself as a fourteen year old girl studying English at campana Finishing School and hearing Mr Frost playing the piano in the room which was under mine. Dear Mr Frost your music drives me to what was the best time of my life. This was a truly and special gift to me. Congratulations, Roberta Conde.

  9. Hello Robert,
    Wow…your music has certainly brought back many fond memories of my time in England, at Moor Park House.
    Send my love to all, and keep playing.
    Love Bonnie

  10. Hi Robert,

    Actually I have headphones on and I´m listening to your beautiful music.
    Suddenly the daily work gets coloured.


    all the best, tom.

  11. Robert,
    I hope you remember me and my friend Nora from the Chinese restaurant in France. (Isola 2000). Well, i would like to say that your music was NOT rubbish. It was brilliant and beautiful. As i have said before i love writing. Your music has inspired me to continue on with this story i have been writing. Well, inspired me to continue and has given me new ideas. Nora and I absolutely LOVED the lullaby. I would love to give you a piece of my writing soon. And Nora loves the idea of you writing a piece of music for her. She and I both want to use one of your pieces for some dance routines. Again we loved all your pieces and hope to hear many more.

    Charlotte hathaway and Nora Winsler

  12. Dear Robert,
    What a delight to see your website! I have fond memories listening to your wonderful music…hope to see a concert soon!
    Lots of love,

  13. Dear Robert,
    I really enjoyed listening to your music, especially those composed in relation with special events (wedding, death,…), where I believe that I was feeling pretty much like what you were feeling while composing
    Hugs from Galaïte, my remote Brittany

  14. Hi Robert and Martine,

    I was at Paddock Wood 1976/77 and remember you both so well. Martine, you still look as beautiful as you did all those years ago, and Robert, you look almost exactly the same, except your moustache wasn’t grey then!! I don’t know if you’d remember me, but I was from Liverpool and friendly with Mandy Hughes (red hair!), my name was Michele Milman in those days.

    As you probably know, there was a reunion recently, when about 35 of us ‘old girls’ attended a really lovely reminiscent day, starting @ the school. Shame you both couldn’t be there.

    Anyway, good luck with your website (and I only thought your forte was in tennis!!) Nice tunes!

    Love to you both,


  15. Hi Robert and Martine

    Great to be able to connect after all these years (1976 – Paddock Wood). I’ve just listened to some of your music pieces and they are incredible. Loved those pieces written for a specific reason.

    I hope all is well with both of you and your family.

    Hugs, Barbara

  16. My name maybe do not say anything to you… but If I tell you I am LULU from Colombia , South America .. and I was at Paddock Wood Finishing School from January to December 1979. I used to take tennis classes you try to teach me but I was not good at 🙂 … and you take us to riding too.
    Anyway … I love your music… and I am pleased to know about you and please say hello to your lovely wife and family.


  17. Dear Robert,

    What a surprise, I didn’t know you had so much talent, regarding music !
    Marvelous, I made a trip on your web side ! and waow , maybe you might just remeber a few things about me …the belgian girl who so much wanted to make a career in tennis ( but wasn’t alowed to do so by her parents) same year of lady Caroline …Really a too bad you could’t make it at our reunion , maybe a next time .
    Keep on creating just great !

    Bye, bye for now, take care and do say hello to the rest of the family

    x Isabelle

  18. Hello Robert,

    I was really pleased to meet you (even if it was in a parking) and discover that my neighbour is a brilliant artist !!!


  19. Hi Robert,

    it’s been a pleasure talking to you and your wife at the restaurant in La Grave last week. Hope you enjoy your holidays.

    See you,

  20. Dear Mr Frost,
      I hope you still remember me.
      I have a lot of memories listening to your nice music, even now.
      One day, you will have a concert in Japan.

    From Ritsuto

  21. my dearrr dearerr dearr “Mr Frost” you are the nicest memorie that i have from my year in paddock wood i hope that you still remember that crazy venezuelan girl that used to tease you all the time hahaha and with whom you laugh and had memorable times. i am so glad to be able to say hi and delighted to see your pictures and howw handsome and nice you still look 🙂 hows your lovely wife and family ? will post some pics of us so u can probably know whose this girl that’s telling you this things haha paddock wood 1979/80 a big hug and kiss to you Robert

  22. Hi Robert and Martine. I´m so glad Pippa and the Paddock Wood reunion brought us all back together and thanks to facebook as well.
    I´m glad I found you too, after so many year wishing you “Merry Christmas”, lol, it was sad to miss you every year, Xtmas cards were lost somewhere.
    We´re all fine, congratulations for your music.
    Maialen is doing well, she´s a fashion designer and she´s got a webpage if you want to see.
    She made it through the fashion world, and she´s working in Madrid.

    I keep teaching, keep on with my house and now cooking and blogging it, taking pictures takes all my attention now. Still happily married.

    Love to Martine and a big kiss to you both.
    (San Sebastián – Spain)

  23. Bonjour Mr.Frost,

    En écoutant votre musique, j’ai pu me retrouver il y a 20 ans à Farnahm .Votre musique était le baume qui soignait ma tristesse, elle me donnait pleins d’espoir.
    Mes doigts et mon esprit ont eu la chance d’être guidés, un court instant dans une vie, par votre grande sensibilité à la musique.Malheureusement, je n’ai ensuite jamais trouvé d’aussi bon professeur, j’ai donc abandonné.
    Toutefois le son du piano m’accompagne, par le soin des autres, et je suis entrain d’écrire un conte, qui s’agrémentera de lumière , de senteurs et d’une musique composée par une amie pianiste.Je vous en ferai part, lorsque le projet sera terminé.
    Dans la joie, grâce à Shelley, d’avoir pu vous contacter, je vous souhaite à votre épouse et vous-même, le meilleur pour la suite.


    Stéphanie Dumoulin.

  24. Dear Robert,
    there´s so much life and passion in your music and yet listening to it feels like a soft embrace…
    It reminds me of the summer at Mala Beach… I must thank you, your lovely wife and friends for your hospitality and kindness. I am so glad you didn´t let me sink into my melancholy when I was sitting at the beach all by myself and saying goodbye on my last day in France 🙂 You certainly made my day. Thank you!!! I´ve been wanting to write to you ever since but I didn´t find your e-mail address here and was a bit shy to express my thanks so… publicly 🙂
    I hope the New Year will bring you lots of happiness, love and inspiration … and great encounters with lovely people such as yourself.
    All the best…

    1. Hi Robert,. I have just found this and was so excited to hear about everything that you and Martine have been doing. I don’t know if you remember me at Girdlers where Constance Spry did all those magnificent flower arrangements and then you did the fabulous flowers for my daughter’s weddings which were one of the highlights for us as they were so beautiful.
      Do get in touch as I’d love to hear from you. What an amazing life you have had. I also remember dear Fred Wilkinson. My email is [email protected]. Thanks so much for everything you did for us so cheerfully!

  25. Hey,
    For my orchestra assignment I need to know what year Chromatones was writted and what time period that piece is? If you can help that would be great!


  26. Hello Robert, we met near Col de Bavella in Corsica. We talked a bit and you gave me your card, so I am visiting. I love your melodies and got me the CD in Itunes. Hope you had a great holiday, to bad I didn´t take a picture of you two 😉


  27. Hi MrFrost,I don’tm know if You remember me,we’ve meet in 1979 at Paddock Wood,we were a the large group of spanish students.We ‘ve spent wonderfull time at la Plagne during Easter time.Some days ago in BilbAo-Spain we’ve meet:María Alcorta,Blanca Alzola,Yolanda Linares,Katya Cazanni,Mirentxu Echevarría,Sandra Araquistain & myself,after 32 years we’ve spent great time,why we don’t organice Some trip to Montecarlo to see each Other.Will be a pleasure for Us.Please info asap.All the best.Regards,Nuria Araquistain

    1. Hello Nuria,
      It is great to hear from you. Of course we remember you and all those you mentionned in your message as well as those wonderful times in La Plagne. It would be great to see you all again and strangely enough Robert and I has already discussed the possibility of getting together with Pippa Anderson to organise a reunion in Monaco.Robert is very pleased that you enjoyed his music. Please let everyone around you know about it.
      With kindest regards and best wished from us both.

      1. Robert and martine, I want th buy sheet music for your compositions but have not been able o find it anywhere, please help

  28. Hi Mr Frost,
    I was at Paddock Wood 1974/5. I remember practicing getting in and out of your sports car in long dresses! I remember watching the tennis and soccer matches. Martine was so kind to us too.
    Thank you both for great memories. It was a wonderful year full of adventure.
    Nicola Crombie

  29. Thanks Robert.I loved that piece which you played to e that moved me.
    I look forward to seeing you again.Daniel

  30. Daniel’s playing has improved a lot after you gave him the super lessons!
    He told me he never had been moved so greatly.
    Looking forward to seeing you again.

  31. I love your music. I´m glad to hear you´re still playing and doing beautifully. I´d love to see some of the girls who shared some of the magical moments at Paddock. Now, thanks to facebook some of us still keep in touch and have caught up. I plan to have Yrith from Venezuela some time this year in my house. Claudia is doing great in her restaurant in Fermo (I´d love to go and eat there some day). I´m glad Martine and your sons are fine. I wish you all the best. LOVE. Marialuisa

  32. How wonderful to find you, and to find you doing what you love, it has been a long time, but I have thought of you, your wife and my days at Campana often.
    I do hope that all is well, and that you are both happy.
    Take care, that Antigua girl Alexa xx

  33. A real joy to hear your music – it brings back many happy memories of my days at camps a in Surrey. Belinda

  34. Hi Robert & Martine

    Just received an email from Pippa about the next PW re-union in London next September. Any chance of you two being there ? Would be great to catch up.

    [email protected]

  35. Beautiful music Robert. I listen to it while working, it’s very relaxing and inspirational. Please say hi to Martine and we hope you are both well. x

  36. Hi Robert,

    Not sure if we’ve met since the end of Paddock Wood, which must now be more than 30 years ago. I trust that all is well with yourself and Martine. I doubt that anyone else from my family has been in touch with you, but I have to report the sad news that after a short illness, my mother passed away at the end of October. Love to talk to you again and catch up on the last 30 years!

    Martin Haggett

  37. Hi dear Mr Frost
    I just came up with this page and couldnt believe it! I attended Paddockwood 40 years ago (74-75) You were my tennis teacher and lovely Martine was our matron I dont think you will remember me I was a somewhat wild but very naive venezuelan girl I remember those days with joy and love and a big amount of nostalgia
    Lots of love for you and Martine
    Ana Carlota Sosa (from Venezuela)

  38. Here I come again… lost all your music, don’t ask me how… computer’s mysteries… ;))
    No more music since 2011? hope our reunion in september will bring more musical thoughts to you… cannot wait meeting Martine and you anyway…. let’s not count the years … let’s not bother. 😉
    Have a wonderful summer in Monaco.
    See you in september…
    xxx Florence

  39. Hi Robert!
    I have just found this homepage!
    At this moment I would like just to say “hallo” and send my warm greetings to you and Martine.
    I will be always grateful to both of you that I could study at your language school.

    Margareth/Malgorzata 🙂

  40. Hi Auntie Robert just listened to your music and i loved Searching and Emma. you are very talented and i’m proud to call you my uncle. love to you and Martine. big hugs all the Hounslow troop xxxxx

  41. Hey Frostie – long time no speak!! Love to you all.

    Wally xxxxx

  42. This is Melanie and Dave, the honeymooners from the Jacobite train. It was so lovely meeting you and your wife! I only wish we’d discovered our shared love of music earlier in the train ride. I’ve been playing violin since the age of 4 and also love to sing! It is a joy to be able to listen to your compositions. They are so beautiful! Wonderful to have met you.

    Take care,
    Melanie and Dave

    1. Dear Melanie and Dave
      We must apologise for not replying to your very kind message. When we returned from our UK trip Martine had some health issues and then came the confinement and health issues for Robert as wellso the website was not a priority. We really enjoyed your company and are delighted to hear that you love music as much as we do. Do let us have your email address so we can keep in touch. Robert is busy composing and the website will be getting and overhaul soon.
      Kind regards and best wishes to you both
      Martine and Robert

  43. Hi Mr. Frost,
    I was at Campana Finishing School in 1994/5. Thanks to you I learned to appreciate music.
    I hope you remember me the way I remember you and Mrs. Frost and also your Sons. Thank you for the wonderful time, the unforgettable trip to ski and the great moments.

    God bless you and your family
    Elizabeth Yunes

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